Saturday, March 29, 2008

Vidoes You Tube and libraries

There would be lots of possibilities out there for for You tube type videos attached to library sites. Simple library information such as using an online catalogue could be presented this way. I'm sure that would attract lots of child and teenage customers. Have you noticed teenagers don't read lots of detail but are very visual and very quick to adapt to you tube etc. Many teenagers now have their own lap tops and access most of the information they need through their laptops. They are reluctant to visit libraries so maybe the library needs to come to them using a variety of different formats including You tube type videos to assist them in gaining the information they need. Molly

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey Molly,

I totally agree with you regarding teens and libraries and laptops. I think, Why should they come into the library at all, when all their information needs are met in using the Internet? and is it even worth our while to try to get them in, or to use our catalogue? I think not! I’m wondering now if your observation is the very fact of what the 2.0 is all about, perhaps!! They are very YouTube, and everything else Internet, savvy.

If we could make our online (virtual) library more appealing and accessible to them, rather than struggle with the idea of trying to get them into the library, I think it may be more appropriate to get the library to them, as you say, via the internet? Our YA services, book clubs, database access, etc, can all reach them via a vibrant and vital website or relevant blog, perhaps specifically aimed at this audience.

Libraries as we know it (ie, books, nice helpful staff, warm-and-fuzzy feeling) may not be relevant to the teen these days, except for the avid fiction reader (and we all know the type), or the unfortunate ones that don’t have their own laptop and unlimited downloads at home (yet.)

My soon-to-exit-teen-years 19 y/o is in 2nd yr uni doing engineering degree and I’m sure hasn’t stepped foot in a library for YEARS – yet does very well. He ‘lives’ on the internet, getting all he needs from it (and asks Mum to get his recreational reading, if he ever has time for it – but mostly he’s watching movies on the net – yes, they’re very visual!) How can we compete with that? But he does appreciate the value of the library – so maybe it’s a marketing thing? How do we reach this audience? and we need to think about what have we to offer them anyway?

All very interesting!
