Sunday, May 18, 2008

Learning 2.0- The completion

I have now completed Learning 2.0. I look forward to going over all the content and studying it in more detail and having a little help in the areas I still have no idea on how to utilise correctly but what a great introduction this has been to the world out there of online freebies. Molly

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Online Applications and Tools

Online Application Tools such as google.doc would be a wonderful tool to share with the many library clients who visit the library without any means to save their work. Once google.doc was joined the document could be saved there until it was able to be saved to thumbdrive.

Many secondary school students and universities have laptop programs at their schools and universities where group work on presentations is required. Most teenagers leave these assignments to the last minute!! We all have experienced that on the reference desk!!! All students could be working on their section of the document at their homes on the google.doc site and complile their documents without emails updating information going between students. All students could be working on the document up until the last possible time.

Likewise library staff could work on documents eg policy without the need to send the group involved in the project, updated emails at regular intervals.



There are so many ways a library could use Mashups. Create Calendars featuring the libraries in the area or historical sites in the area. Create maps of the historical sites in the area and with link to pictures of the site. Local bush walk maps could be created with the highlights of the walks indicated on these. I would love to have someone to show me how and lots of time to do this. For now I just have to make do with the knowledge and hope that one day the time will come. At least I can impart some of the knowledge onto my clients. My highly technical orientated teenages and husband knew little about this area. I'm sure these applications would help with their presentations too.

Aussie Meat Pie

Molly's Travels

Where Molly has been!!!!
Make yours @
Make yours @

Molly has a lot more travelling to do and must leave the library more often!!!

Something for those of us with Teenage Sons

Sunday, May 4, 2008


There are so many libraries out there podcasting.( Mainly American) I can see that it would be a fantastic tool in libraries where there are many visiting speakers. The State Library of NSW would have many talks to podcast. What could the smaller libraries podcast? At Erina library there is a living library. Wouldn't it be a great idea to podcast some of these talks so that any interested people who cannot make it to the library during the advertised times, could hear the stories these interesting people tell. Just need the time and the technology to do so.

On a lighter note its great that the ABC podcast. The missed Summer Heights High episodes and the missed Chaser edisodes are 2 examples of programs that couldn't be missed. Thanks ABC Molly

Slamming the Boards with Young Students

Answer boards seem to be a great idea but are we making finding information too easy if children can email a librarian on an answerboard site to gain instant information. It is really important that the librarians show children how to find the information not to just tell the children the answer to their question. Children expect information to be instant. What they have to be shown is that there are ways and steps to finding information and these are the ways professional librarians believe will help you in finding what you need. Lets not spoon feed children. They have to learn how to find the correct information in a world saturated in good and bad information.

As I am far behind everyone else I would love to go back and review what I have learnt so far as I have already forgotten soooo much but I have to move on as I am well and truely being left behind by my Learning 2.0 colleagues. I would love to put a picture here and there to smarten up my blog but time is running short. Molly